Members of the Good Shepherd School community believe in the adoption of a positive and preventative approach to student behaviour support and student wellbeing. It is the responsibility of all in the community to ensure we have a safe, calm, predictable and inclusive learning environment.
Positive behaviour support at Good Shepherd is based on upholding the Catholic Social Teaching “The Dignity of the Human Person” and is a balance of rights, responsibilities, and consequences. In a supportive school environment, explicitly teaching our behaviour expectations to students supports everyone in promoting school and classroom expectations and maintains fair and just consequences. An explicitly taught behaviour curriculum protects rights and promotes responsibility for actions.
At Good Shepherd our School Rules are:
These school expectations are visually displayed all around our school and in every classroom. Our behaviour curriculum explicitly teaches the following components to ensure every child can flourish as an effective member of our community:
To ensure the safety of everyone in our school, it is expected that students should:
• be considerate of others in what they do and say.
• move sensibly around the classroom and other parts of the school.
• play safely.
• clean and tidy up after themselves and keep the classroom and grounds clean and tidy.
• report any dangerous or unsafe situations to the teacher.
• observe the school and classroom expectations.
To ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect, it is expected that students should:
• follow the example of Jesus in how to treat other people.
• speak respectfully to others and about others.
• show best manners to everyone.
• treat other people’s property with care and respect.
• take responsibility for their actions.
• take pride in their appearance and the appearance of their classroom.
To ensure that everyone acts kindly towards others and the school property it is expected that students should:
• make sensible choices.
• take care of their possessions and assume responsibility for them.
• make right choices when playing.
• use positive language.
• be compassionate and look out for others.
• be mindful of others.
To ensure that all students learn, it is expected that students should:
• allow others to learn without causing undue disruption, distraction and diversion.
• take turns, cooperate and be effective and encouraging group members.
• seek teacher assistance in a respectful and equitable way.
• do the best they can.
• take care of all school resources and equipment.
• practise thankfulness.