School photos

School photos will be held on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 September 2020.  An order envelope has gone home with your child today, Tuesday 8/9/20.  Please fill out the form and return in to your child’s class teacher on or before 21 September.

This year students in kindergarten to year 5 will dress in winter sports uniforms for photo day.  Year 6 students will wear their leadership shirts under their winter sports uniform.

The winter sports uniform is a navy blue and emerald green tracksuit with embroidered school logo, sports t-shirt with logo, white socks and predominantly white sneakers.  Navy blue netball skirt does not comprise the winter sports uniform. Long hair must be tied back in a navy blue or white coloured band.  Earrings should only be plain studs.  No other jewellery is to be worn. 

Sibling photo envelopes are available for collection from the front office.

If you had previously paid for a photo package (when photos were organised for term 1), you can use the order reference number emailed to you at the time of the order.  Please check through your emails for the reference number.

Contact MSP for any questions you may have about photo day.