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** Welcome Back for Term 3! **
We hope that everyone had a restful break and now ready for a fantastic start to the term. It's great to see our students settled and focused. We are explicitly teaching our behaviour routines to set everyone up for success this term.
It has been wonderful to visit classrooms that are settled and to see your children ready to learn.
This Monday, our staff had a wonderful Spirituality Day. This experience helped us understand the significant place the Holy Spirit has in our lives. Fr Troy spent the day with us. It was an enriching day that has rejuvenated us for the term ahead.
We welcome Mr Steve Bent back to the teaching team here at Good Shepherd as he joins 5DJ whilst Mrs Donnelly is on long service leave. Mr Bent and Ms Jeffries will be team teaching.
Save the date for the official opening of the Good Shepherd Hall!! It will be held on 13th August from 9am- 11am. All parents and carers are welcome to join us. Archbishop Christopher Prowse, Mr Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education, and and Mr Mark Pettersen MLA will be with us for the opening, along with other distinguised guests, including Mr Austin!
Should you wish to join us, please indicate your RSVP to Adriana Hindson,
Best wishes for Term 3!
On Monday this week, our staff attended an enjoyable, informative and spiritually-forming day at the Wildbark Centre in Throsby.
The day centred on Spiritual Reflection and Formation which included community building, quality time together and rejuvenating time with God. We began the day developing a greater awareness and understanding of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of our students and school community. We then focused on discerning our talents and spiritual gifts so we can each work to our potential for the greater good of our wonderful and important school community.
Feeling nurtured, inspired and informed, we are ready for a blessed Term 3 with you, your children and our Parish community.
Let us pray together:
May you honour the flame of love that exists inside you.
May your voice be a voice of encouragement.
May your work be an answer to someone’s prayer.
May you own a grateful heart.
May you have enough joy to give you hope,
enough pain to make you wise.
May your actions be your love, made visible.
May you breathe upon the wounds of those you teach and work with.
May your words be the breath of God.
May the lamp of your life shine kindly upon all who cross your path.
May you be a good memory in someone’s
life today.
The central theme of last week’s Gospel reading reflected upon at our weekend Masses, was relevant to the busy, bustling lives we all lead today.
In Mark’s Gospel (6:31) Jesus encourages and supports his disciples in coming away by themselves so they could take a break and get some rest. They had been so busy supporting Jesus in his mission and everyone demanding so much of their time and talents, that they were exhausted and drained. It was their time to rest in God so they could renew and recharge.
We all know that taking it slow at times, as well as rest and sleep, are crucial to physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
“The same is true of our relationship with God. We need to rest in God. Jesus knew this. That’s why he invites us to take time each day to be quiet and talk to God. With prayer, many things can come together for good.”
So, before we start another busy and successful term together, let us make sure we have properly stopped to take care and rest.
Again, let us pray together:
God, we pray for the gift of place – a space where we may experience your presence, where we may attend to the needs of others and ourselves, where we may rest, and where we may serve. For in such a place do we find life and hope, now and always. Amen.
Kindergarten | KD - Harsifat K | KH - Naunihaal D | KT - Adrian H | KTC - Valerija T |
Year 1 | 1D - Akshath Sai P | 1L - Nyla T | 1M - Rocco J | 1R - Aanya T |
Year 2 | 2B - Aarnav K | 2C - Samyra P | 2E - Reid R | 2FO - Audrey M |
Year 3 | 3Ca - Londyn-Belle T | 3Ch - Gifty U | 3T - Darryl B | 3W - Willow H |
Year 4 | 4BP - Dominic C |
4I - Kobimtochi J-A |
4R - Hayden C | 4T - Navaj S |
Year 5 | 5DJ - Kristian J | 5G - Yvonne T | 5Sc - Eva P | 5Sm - Mia T |
Year 6 | 6G - Mackenzie K | 6K - Ruchir K | 6Sb - Krisha S | 6Sm - Zachary S |
Lynne Kendall's - Wired for Wellbeing: A deep dive into the nervous system's role in the parent-child relationship is now available on replay for all ParentTV Members.
Click here to access the full replay of Wired for Wellbeing: A deep dive into the nervous system's role in the parent-child relationship bootcamp
We had some incredible feedback from parents who attended the bootcamp such as:
"I think the idea of nervous system parenting in fascinating. However, I needed some clear materials that summarised how to apply the concepts. This was explained beautifully in the last live Q&A. I wish I had a written summary of this I could stick on my wall!“
“Thank you Lynne for sharing your amazing knowledge base. You are clearly skilled and I appreciate all the resources you provided."
“I learned about co-regulation, strategies to use at school and with my kids. How important our nervous system is….. pretty much everything".
In this bootcamp we covered a variety of topics including:
Week 1: Unlocking the Mind: Understanding how Neuroscience impacts the Nervous System in you and your child
Week 2: Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the Impact of our Nervous System in everyday life including your interactions with your child
Week 3: The Resilient Reset: Strategies to Rewire You and Your Child’s Nervous System
Week 4: Vitality Unleashed: Mastering the Art of Tuning in and Tuning Up Your Nervous System
As school re-commences for term 3, we are reminding parents and carers to please drive and park safely and legally, at and around school grounds. We all have an important role to play in supporting road safety.
Access Canberra has notified us that mobile speed and parking vans will be in operation to support our students’ safety. These enforcement teams play a critical role in supporting our students get to and from school safely, and we thank them for their ongoing support.
In addition to sticking to the speed limit, please remember to park safely – including not parking across pedestrian crossings, in no stopping zones, on corners, verges and double parking. Unsafe and illegal parking can reduce visibility of our students and motorists to see each other, creating a significant hazard when students cross the road.
Let’s work together to keep our kids safe.
As we commence Term 3, a reminder to parents and carers that school officially begins at 8:50am and learning starts at that time. It is vitally important that your child arrives to school on time in order to maximise their learning.
Your child's teacher can mark the roll at any time after 8:50am. If a student is absent when the roll is marked, they are considered late to school. Teachers will not mark present any students that arrive after the roll has been closed.
It is a legal requirement for parents/guardians to sign their children in at the front office if they arrive to class after 8:50am. Two electronic device kiosks are set up for parents/guardians to sign their children in and out of school. The Compass app is not to be used for partial day absences, only full day absences. Thank you.